UNSEEN: The Trafficked Truth Podcast
UNSEEN: The Trafficked Truth Podcast
S3 EP 12 | Facts & Truths: Recovery doesnt have to be linear w/ Survivor Harper
Join us for another episode of survivor truths and understand that trafficking doesnt look like you think. Harper Lee is a survivor of child intrafamilial sex trafficking. She is 25 years old and was trafficked and exploited for 10 years by her parents. Harper discusses the realities that she didn’t have the dramatic escape you see in the movies. When she was 19 years old, she simply left without asking and she shares it was the scariest thing she ever did. Shell share the truths behind the long journey of being in a safe place, away from her abusers, but suffering emotionally and physically. Six years had passed before she learned that what happened to her was Sex trafficking. Now she is on a mission to make sure other survivors don’t have to wait years before they receive the help they need. She hopes to create a space via social media where survivors and allies can talk openly about their experiences.
Instagram: @livingsustainablee